Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is: Gillian Carlton 07351 523142 stmarys.penwortham.safeguarding@gmail.com View our Safeguarding and Privacy policies on the Safeguarding page
Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is:Gillian Carlton07351 523142stmarys.penwortham.safeguarding@gmail.com View our Safeguarding and Privacy policies on the Safeguarding page 


February Magazine
This is our magazine for the month of February.
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Join us on Zoom

 If you are unable to come to church why not join us on Zoom.

Click on the link below to worship with us at the  Sunday 10.15 Service

Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 915 880 5689

Passcode: 6e9BKX

Sunday February 2nd  Presentation of Christ in the Temple   


Almighty and ever-living God,
clothed in majesty, whose beloved Son was this day presented in the Temple, in substance of our flesh: grant that we may be presented to you with pure and clean hearts,
by your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Malachi 3: 1-5
Who can stand at the coming of the Lord's messenger with his refining fire.
Psalm 24 1-6, 7-10
 Lift up your heads O gates, that the King of Glory may come in.
Hebrews 2: 14:18
Jesus shareed our flesh and blood in order to destro death, making a sacrifice of atonement.
Luke 2: 22-40  
Jesus is presented in the Temple, after which the family return to Nazareth.



Thought for the            Week                             

Annual Parochial Church Meeting  (APCM) 2024


The various reports of the APCM held on 28th April 2024 can be found here

Wedding and Funeral Fees 2024

The revised fees for weddings and funerals can be found hereFees have been increased by about 5% in accordance with the Archbishops' Council and the Royal School of Church Music.

Church Electoral Roll

A GDPR compliant 'names only' version of the Electoral Roll is available here

View the Good Friday Service by Churches Together in Penwortham held here at St. Mary's


St Mary's by Drone.

Click on the YouTube logo to see some fascinating drone views of our beautiful church.


We meet every Wednesday evening at church from 6.30 pm. The meetings last for 30-45 minutes. All are welcome.

Please contact Iain Jenkins 07885408636 for details


.  All welcome. As a starting point we will be working towards preparing some musical items for use in services and enjoy ourselves in the process.  Ability to read music is not required. 


All welcome. For more information contact, Rhoda Martin   mailto:scotrho@icloud.com or 01772 601366.



The demands on the foodbank have increased and our church is involved as one of the collection points in our community involvement.  We thank all parishioners who have donated food in the past but the need for further supplies and of  financial donations to meet the need is now critical.  How to donate are detailed on the poster which is the third attachment.  They are appealing this week particularly for:-

· Rice

· Tins of meat

· Tinned tomatoes

· Jam/Marmalade

 Value range goods are preferred, but everything is welcome.  There is a box for donated items at back of church near the west door. Food can also be taken direct to Kingsfold Community Centre, on Kingsfold Drive,  on any Friday morning from 9.30am.

 Collections available if required - phone Gillian or Adrian Carlton on 01772 742257.



Since the lockdown started it has been  difficult for parishioners to maintain their giving through the collection plate although many parishioners  make their giving using Direct Debit or Standing Order. If you feel you would like to help St. Mary's financially please would you send an e-mail to info@penwortham-stmary.co. uk.  We will contact you to discuss which method you woud prefer, from a one-off donation to regular giving.

Church Avenue


Preston PR1 0AH

01772 743143

07858 772421


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